Habtamu Argeta
About Me

I (Habtamu Argeta) am/is currently a computer science student in Addis Ababa university. Five years before i was not decided to study this field. But later, after i struggle with myself on which field of study i'm going to attend, I strongly decided as this field best creates an opportunity to use my problem solving skills. Besides, my interest in computer science increased dramatically when I first came into contact with computer coding in STEM project at Asosa university. From there on, I was captivated. I started working on small projects of my own. I have learned small pieces of codes from C++, JAVA ,HTML,CSS and JAVASCRIPT.

In order to make my self successful and skilled programmer, I strongly put my attention on this talks: "Having a solid base of algorithmic knowledge and technique is one characteristic that separates the truly skilled programmers from the novices. With modern computing technology, you can accomplish some tasks without knowing much about algorithms, but with a good background in algorithms, you can do much, much more."

Languages I speak


Hebrews 4 (Apostles' Bible Complete.)
¹⁴ Therefore having a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast the confession. ¹⁵ For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but having been tempted in all [respects] in quite the same way as [we are], yet without sin. ¹⁶ Therefore let us come boldly to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

ዕብራውያን 4 (አዲሱ መ.ት)
¹⁴ እንግዲህ ወደ ሰማያት ያረገ ታላቅ ሊቀ ካህናት የእግዚአብሔር ልጅ ኢየሱስ ስላለን፣ እምነታችንን አጥብቀን እንያዝ። ¹⁵ በድካማችን የማይራራልን ሊቀ ካህናት የለንምና፤ ነገር ግን እንደ እኛ በማንኛውም ነገር የተፈተነ ሊቀ ካህናት አለን፤ ይሁን እንጂ ምንም ኀጢአት አልሠራም። ¹⁶ እንግዲህ ምሕረትን እንድንቀበልና በሚያስፈልገንም ጊዜ የሚረዳንን ጸጋ እንድናገኝ፣ ወደ ጸጋው ዙፋን በእምነት እንቅረብ።

Ibroota. 4
¹⁴ Egaa angafa lubootaa isa guddicha bantiiwwan waaqaa keessa darbe, Yesus ilma Waaqayyoo erga qabaannee, beeksisa amantii keenyaa jabeessinee in qabanna. ¹⁵ Cubbuutu irraa dhabame malee, angafa lubootaa isa karaa hundumaan akka keenya qorame qabna; isa dadhabbiin keenya garaa isaa hin rukunne garuu hin qabnu. ¹⁶ Yeroo barbaachisetti akka nu gargaaraniif araara isaa fudhachuudhaaf, ayyaana isaas argachuudhaaf, kottaa ija-jabinaan gara teessoo Waaqayyoo isa ayyaanaan guututti in dhi'aannaa.

እብራውያን 4
¹⁴-¹⁵ ደጊም ብዘይ ሓጢኣትሲ፡ ብዅሉ ኸምዚ ኸማና እተፈተነ እዩ እምበር፡ ብድኻምና ኺድንግጸልና ዘይኽእል ሊቀ ኻህናት የብልናን እሞ፡ ብሰማያት ዝሐለፈ ዓብዪ ሊቀ ኻህናት፡ የሱስ ወዲ ኣምላኽ ካብ ዚህልወናስ፡ ምእማንና ነጽንዕ። ¹⁶ ስለዚ ምሕረት ምእንቲ ኽንቕበል፡ ብጊዜ ጸበባውን ንረዲኤትና ዚኸውን ጸጋ ኽንረክብ፡ ብትብዓት ናብ ዝፋን ጸጋ ንቕረብ።

My hobbies
  1. Reding
  2. Coding
  3. listening music
  4. Eating
  5. Sport

"It is your Attitude but not only your Aptitude that determine your Altitude."